Passagemaker: When to remove hull stitches?

I’m building a new Passagemaker received my kit a couple of weeks ago first part of March 2021 and my manual is version 4 dated Sep 2020.

I’m a little confused on when I should remove my wire stitches.  On page 55 the manual talks about tack welding between the stitches (while the boat is upside down) with epoxy and Cell-o-Fill powder.  I have done that and it went very well.  Then at the bottom of the page it says allow the tack welds to dry for 24 hours and flip it over.  Then on the next page 56 it talks about applying the wood flower thickened epoxy fillets.  It even has a picture of the stitches still in the boat.  It then says you can apply the bottom fiberglass mat if you do it before the epoxy fillets completely dry.  And there is another picture of the boat without the stitches??  How did the stitches just disappear between these two steps?  

My plan is to remove the stitches after the tack welds set and apply more epoxy mixed with Cell-o-Fill to fill in where the stitches were.  Let it set up and then flip it over. I plan on leaving in all the stitches holding the bulkheads and transoms in place.  

My suggested edit is on the bottom of page 55 right after it says “Allow the tack welds to cure for 24 hours.” Add the paragraph. “Once the welds are set, remove the wire stitches (being careful to leave the bulkhead and transom stitches). Now go back with more Cell-o-Fill powder and fill in where the stitches were.  Let set for 24 hours and flip over.  

I know this is nitpicking at the manual, this is one of the best construction manuals I have ever read.  But I can tell the editor wasn’t building a boat as he edited it.  So if anyone finds this useful that is my intent (I’m not complaining or wining!). I’m very, very happy with the quality of my kit and the manual!

   I usually remove stitches after the tack welds. But I've also left the stitches in and just cut and sanded them down after the fillets were installed and before outside glassing.


Taking them out is better. Easier on sand paper. 

Thanks @Grumpy.  After I pull them out I'm going to go back in with the Epoxy cell-o-fill mix and fill in the spots under the stitches.  It looks like they still get covered in a later step with an epoxy wood dust but it is a bit thicker mix and may not get all the way down into the grooves like the thinner cell-o-fill.