I have the side panels glued on and am moving onto filleting the transoms on my eastport pram. Will the side panels being glued in place be enough to hold the transoms in place prior to applying the fillets? Or should i “tack” them in place along the outside? Applying the fillets over the stitches would be a very bad idea, correct?
Tom, we are at exactly the same place with an Eastport Nesting Pram build. This is what the ENP manual says along with some pictures:
"You will be filleting in the bulkheads with the wires still holding them in place, so it is a good idea to go around the boat and decrease their profile. Push them down into corners with a screwdriver as shown."
That's on page 37 of the version I'm looking at. Further on it it says that once the fillets are done it to clip and sand them flush on the out side.
Thanks for the reply. Intereating, I’m building the regular pram and it doesn’t say anything like that. It just says after the side panels are glued that the stitches should be “removed completely” and goes right into filleting the transoms.
I ended up adding thickened epoxy to the outside of each transom, which worked fine, but probably created the need for more sanding down the line.