Peeler doubler unaligned - need help

I'm building my first boat (the Peeler). Tonight I've got the bottom assembly together with the doubler on too. The epoxy is drying now. My concern is that the bow of the doubler lines up perfectly but at the stern the doubler is 3/4 of an inch shorter than the stern bottom panels. I thought they lined up perfectly at bow and stern? 

The epoxy is drying now so if I need to align it flush at the stern I need to know now. Thanks for any advice!


   I aligned mine at the stern but I wouldn't worry about it because the edges will be rounded over to alloy the glass fabric to fold over the edge smoothly. Any gaps can easily be filled with thickened epoxy and some sanding.

   Thanks. I feel better hearing from someone who's done it. I'll sleep better tonight. 

I just read your posted concern. I'm building a Peeler and checked my build album. I matched up the stern 2 edges. The bow doubler piece is indented alittle. If you are interested to see my album on Facebook let me know. Ken Klitzman.  Good luck with your project.

   Thanks Ken. Yes, would be good to see your pictures of your Peeler. Are you doing the center console as I am? As I mentioned, I aligned the bow and there's a 3/4 gap at the stern for the doubler but I think I can fix. 

Maybe a fillet in the 3/4" space would finish it off and some rounding. Yes, I'm using the clc center console also. I changed it a bit by adding a panel to the back of the storage seat and made a removable hatch for the opening under the dash. Search for me on face book if you use that.         KEN KLITZMAN BAILEYS HARBOR WISCONSIN and request to be my friend, then you can see my Peeler album.