Getting ready to possibly order/build an Oxford Shell kit. I have never built a boat before, my background is in aviation so have a limited background in building using balsa and spruce...
In aviation circles, safety wire is used to secure all nuts and bolts to prevent them from loosening. There are special pliers used for this that grab two ends of a
wire, you then pull a handle and the wire is twisted tight. Not sure if this is even possible (having never built a boat before) but if it works it could dramatically speed up the process of wiring. If anyone has ever done this, or if you have any thoughts on it, let me know what you think. I am all about building the boat properly, however, I love efficiency! (I have this dream of hooking all the wires in place, then just running down the line zipping each one tight.
Feedback is appreciated!
I used mine during construction of my Passagemaker. They worked great! Very neat and tight twists. The only "gotcha" is getting the feel for the copper wire. I didn’t have a lot of practical experience with the pliers, but found that it was easy to tighten the twist too much and snap the stitch. You’ll get the hang of it after a few of them, and you’ll have plenty of extra wire for the ones that break.

Pre-cutting and folding the wire strips prior to stitching will save you a lot of time as well. Good luck!
great, thanks for the reply, I’m not able to view the pic you put up, but sounds good to me!
Quote: "I'm not able to view the pic you put up.."
Hopefully this link will work...
I'm pretty experienced using aviation safety wire pliers, but I had terrible results using them with copper wire. The copper wire breaks very easily compared to steel aviation safety wire. After breaking a couple of copper wires with the pliers, I gave up and twisted the rest by hand. I'm impressed with the results in the photo. Perhaps I gave up on the pliers too soon.
"Pre-cutting and folding the wire strips prior to stitching will save you a lot of time as well."
Could you say more about this? I am just starting on the kit.
Not a bad idea, I've also seen people using zipties.
Plastic is nice if you cannot remove it all.