Several months ago someone posted a message about a special pliers tool used in the aircraft industry, I believe, and it was an especially usefull tool in twisting the copper wires for stitch and glue boats. Might someone remember the post and direct me to it? I tried using CLC Search but couldn't find anything about it. Also, any opinions about it? Thanks,Bob H.
Folks, sorry for the double post…my computer hiccupped…bob h.
Try this link...
and this one...
The best way to search is to use Google, and type...
" pliers"
They are called safety wire pliers and I doubt they would be beneficial when wiring thin plywood. It's possible to tighten wires so tightly the plywood tears out. Plus, wiring in not the last step before glue-up. If the hull isn't straight, square and uniform side to side and you glue it together you are stuck with whatever flaws you overlooked.
To get the proper shape it may be necessary to back off wires in one place and tighten in another to jack the hull into the proper shape. I, usually, go over a fully wired hull several times to assure myself that the assembly is as dimensionally correct as as I can get it. It usually occures some wires fatigue and break from all the fiddling. That's just part of the procedure for getting things right.
I had to cut a seam on a fully glued hull to correct a mistake. I don't want to go thru' that again.