Question for dehager


I'm hoping you will see this and maybe explain how you finished your rubrails at the stem and stern.  I'm assuming it was hand shaped.

Rub rails were cut to length +1/4" and tapered about 18" back with a hand plane prior to installing. I shaped the bow and stern after I attached the rub rails with epoxy and brass brad, don’t forget to drill pilot holes. I glassed the deck first and did not wrap the epoxy over and around the rub rails, I wanted to be able to easily remove and replace them after years of use.

Oops… I meant to say I did not wrap the fiberglass over the rubrails. I did coat the rub rails with a few coats of epoxy as I filled the weave of the deck fiberglass.

Thanks!  I have already glassed the deck and did not wrap the glass.  I drilled, nailed and epoxied the rubrails and then traced the shape I wanted around the stem and stern with a razor knife.  Then I used a flexible Japense saw to cut the basic curve and then shaped with my palm sander.  I still need to add some additional epoxy, but I think they turned out OK.  Definitely not a show winner like yours, but I think it will float.


I need to fill some gaps with epoxy.  I think I need to round over the edges and add another coat of unthickened epoxy.