What I use, with some notes on the applications.
Dremel with cutter wheel (or sanding drum)
--Lightening fast.
--Usable on convex surfaces like fillets.
--High dust, unless you position vacuum cleaner nozzle to catch all the dust coming off of the wheel. Use a good mask and eye protection. Respirator style mask is best. Goggles help for eyes but are not really a good solution, haven't found a good solution.
--Not usable for final passes. Cannot be controlled easily, so it gouges.
Carbide scraper
--No dust, very easy cleanup.
--Lasts forever, blades easily replaced, never needs sharpening.
--Rapid and ideal for finish passes on globs which have been flattened by dremel.
--Rapid and ideal for long "runs" or ridges up to about 1/8 inch high, (not just finish passes in this case).
--"Tells" you where you are and when you are finished, by sound, feel, and visually with a long clean curl of removed material which widens as you work the ridge down, then ceases when you are done.
--Not ideal for globs. Tends to "grab" when it hits a glob. Requires technique. A light touch till blade is riding on the glob, then appy strong pressure to carve away a good amount. Change direction of attack occasionally. Much easier for globs to do rough cut with dremel.
Block plane
--Easiest finishing tool in terms of ease of use for any non-convex, fairly flat accessible surface. Reason is that it requires no technique or touch, regardless of glob or ridge. Just hack away and it "knows" exactly how to flatten a glob, and it stops cutting when the surface is perfect.
--But generally not suitable for extended use. Requires frequent sharpening, even more if fused silica is in the epoxy. After a half hour of use, a whole new primary edge will be needed, not just honing. Meaning, you are starting with rasp, 50 grit paper, or grinding jig, and working your way gradually up to 6000 grit or whatever you like to end with. More labor hours consumed by the sharpening (if manual) than with the work itself.
Cabinet scraper.
--Similar to carbide scraper, except: cheaper to buy, requires fairly frequent sharpening, doesn't grab on globs near as badly.
I usually don't sand, for removing runs and globs. It works, but leaves dust and you always remove material that you don't want to remove, from the first pass. To get finish surface, you have to cut into the surface itself