In the Fall of 2016 my brother bought a Wood Duckling kit and started building. The idea was that he would give it to my daugther (who was 2 at the time) so she could come kayaking with us. Things happened, my daughter is now 8 (and ready to kayak), and the Duckling isn't finished. The partially completed project and materials have been sitting in a shed since the project began.
I've decided to take up the cause and attempt to finish the project. I'm a moderately accomplished hobby woodworker who has watched a lot of YouTube on wooden boat building, but that's about it. I am hoping to get some insight from the experience and wisdom gathered here as I restart this project. I do have some specific questions, but I suspect there are also questions I'm not asking that I should be asking. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated!
Here's a look at where the project is right now, after moving it to my garage:
Looking at the manual, I think I'm at a point where the hull has been glassed and the exterior sanded. The deck has yet to be glassed.
My first question is about the sanding that was done to the hull. Does this look like it was oversanded? Should the weave of the fiberglass be visible like the pictures seem to show? I also notice one spot where I'm fairly certain it was oversanded because the raw wood appears to be visible. This spot is where the hull and the deck meet. If this has all been oversanded, what's the remedy? Glass and epoxy it again? If all of this is actually fine except for the one spot, what's the remedy? Since it is at the joint between the hull and the deck, could this be corrected when glassing the deck?
My second question is about the epoxy and the pumps. These have been sitting for years. The resin seems to pump fine. However, the hardener doesn't pump easily and appears to be brown-ish in color. My memory from my brother working on this is that both resin and hardener were relatively clear. I'm thinking I at least need a new bottle and pump of hardener. Perhaps I need to get more resin too. Thoughts?
I'm sure I'll have other questions too as I make progress. I appreciate any and all help, feedback, or comments any one can provide as I dive into this.