Sailrig ama tabs?.

I'd suggest that builders make the flanges that project from the amas stouter than the 9mm plywood specified in the plans. They may be strong enough under the loads imposed by sailing, but one of the tabs had a small surface fracture, damage that would likely not have occurred if made from doubled up layers of 9mm plywood. To keep the bold holes in amas and akas from chipping, I'd drill oversize holes, filling them with epoxy and redrilling holes to fit the bolts. The CLC rig

The above is from an article posted in Sea Kayaker 2005. Found here in the canoe/kayak sailrig section. 

So judging from the age of the article and the fact that CLC has not modified the flanges on the amas( they are still 9 mm ) in sixteen years my guess is this is really not an issue but just had to ask. Does anybody have any experience with this or any other Sailrig issues. Finishing up the rig and still have the opportunity to make modifications. On the the bolt holes part I will be doing DFD or installing brass or aluminum bushings. 

Thanks for your help, comments, etc. PP

   Oops should have titled this sailrig ama flanges not tabs to avoid confusion.🤔


 Hi PP.  I must admit that I didn't like the idea of 9 mm plywood flanges so made mine 12 mm and fitted stainless stell bushes in the bolt holes.

It may well have been fine as per the plans but it is fine and dandy now.  :-)


   @Yambo or anybody else that might know, where did you get the stainless steel bushings?

I don't see any in local hardware or big box stores?

 Thanks PP

Mail order from McMaster-Carr. You might try also looking for sleeve washers and shoulder washers.


   Honestly, I've always been able to find almost every type of small-bit specialty hardware I needed at ACE Hardware, including non-corrosive things.  They seem to carry a pretty good aisle full of stuff in all those little drawers.  Some things might require a bit of imagination and modification to fit the precise need for whatever situation presents itself, but I usually find something that will work.  The absolute opposite is true of the big box stores wrt their specialty hardware (non)selection - but of course that isnt their market, so I'm not complaining.

 Where I got my SS bushings is not going to help you PP - I live in S.W. Turkey! 

However, what I did was buy a length of SS tube with an 8mm inside diameter and cut it into 12 mm lengths. I made some cuts/filed some grooves in the outside of the tube for the epoxy to hold onto then drilled the holes in the flanges to match the outside dia. of the bush and glue them in.

I do the same everywhere I have a bolt going through plywood - rudder hinge bolt for example. 


That's drill, fill, drill, but with stainless steel instead of epoxy :-) 


   Thanks guys I'll check it out


   So after bolting the  rig together for the first time when taking it apart the bolts in one flange would not come out easily so applying a little force I watched as the flange flexed. A little scary so I think I'll be reinforcing for peace of mind.