Hey guys I just found out about the Klepper sail setup http://www.klepperamerica.com/sailing_s2_sail.html here is a link I was going to get the 55 sqft sail package opffered from clc but does any one have any expieruance with the Klepper or better yet both. Also if I go for one or the other what if any hull modifications would be needed, and what is the differance in handeling and so on. The Kayak is a Chesapeak Double with Sailrig.
The guy that used the Klepper S2 sail rig in that video is Casey Wilkinson (Youtube name) and he is listed here in the Builder's Club. http://www.clcboats.com/builders_club/search/
I think you may be able to contact him through the Builder's Club or writing a comment on his Youtube page.
Oops! I should have said to use 98101 as the zip code and 75 miles as your radius to narrow it down for you.
It looks like the Klepper system has a mast step block in the frame, a hole in the deck, stays from the mast to the bow and sides. From builiding other sailboats, the stays should be anchord to plates screwed or bolted at several places to the frame. I do not know if the CLC stich and glue style would support this type of mounting.
You may already know this, but the 4th video down on the Sailrig description page ("CLC Sailrig in Heavy Air in Puget Sound") is of a Klepper system on a CLC sailrig. The side shrouds are led to the akas, not to the hull, affording a better angle of support to the mast. Looks like the system works, although John Harris raises the point that forestay and shrouds lead to downward loading on the mast step and upward force on the bow. The maker of that video would be the one to testify as to hull mods and long term reliability. Anyone at CLC know who that is?
If you listen to the video, the mast is carbon fiber and it was custom build. There is addtionsl steel reinforcment on the outriggers
Sorry, George, that's a different video. The one of a Sailrig going between two islands in Puget Sound in heavy air is the one. Only voice on the video is the sailor going "Wahoo!"