I recently ordered plans for the 12' wooden kayak "Wood Duck" from Chesapeake Light Craft. I then purchased all neccessary componets (ie epoxy, okoume plywood, etc). I own all the goods neccessary to complete the hull of the kayak as well as the full size patterns, plans, and manual. I am selling because I was given a paddle board which accomplishes the same need for me. It will make for an exceedingly nice boat and the materials+plans are deeply dicounted compared to replacement cost or purchasing on your own. I can provide picture of the goods if neccessary. I can also deliver for a minimal fee. Please call or text Jeremy at 813-966-0999.
Frogot to list price: $400
Yes; I am interested. When you say you have all the nessary componets is it all that is listed under "complete kit" in the CLC website? Also South Florida is a ways for me. Could you ship it to me?
Sorry my name is David Pool from Birmingham Al. you can reach me at (205) 862-0565.