Stroke forces sale of my Mystery kayak project. Purchased the Mystery kayak plans from Nick Schade, and the precut frames from CLC. Set up the frames on a rolling jig as per Nick's suggestion. I planked the basic hull and that's as far as I got. This is my 3rd mini stroke and I am selling everything. Mystery is my 10th small boatbuild. Have already made the Peace Canoe, NE Dory (won the Blackburn in 2006.."Working Class" boats), Annapolis Wherry Tandem, Nick's "Coot" modifed for sailing, and the Cradle Rocker (modified into a Rocking Rowboat) and several others.
Mystery plans were $100, CNC frames from CLC were over $300 w/shipping. Bead and cove strips? Make me an offer... 201-264-6976 I'm in SW Florida...Punta Gorda.
Can't ship obviously, but I have several Grizzly machines lightly used at discount prices also. G1023GL (with many options), G7947, G1021Z, G0529, W14666
Can't seem to upload photos so email me and I can send photos of mystery or the list of power tools.