Shear clamp planning question

Hello all!! I'm building a 17lt and have a question in regards to planning the shear clamps. From the deck beam forward, with a 16" radius the shear clamp is planned down to the side panels and even down into the side panels to get the 16' radius accomlished. This came out fine and looks good. The question I have is on the rear shearclamps. From the rear bulkhead aft it's at a 49" radius. When I lay my planning guide across the shear clamps it almost lays flat with very little "curve" that will be needed to be planned. With my shear clamp glued proud, about 1/4" over the side panels do I need to only plane of enough material to accommodate the 49" radius or do I remove all the "proud" shear clamp down to the panels leaving just enough material to accommodate the 49" radius.

I hope I explained this OK, Thanks for the info! Justin

Hi Justin.

You will need to plane all of the proud material otherwise you will have a gap between deck and sheer line.


Thanks Craig! Thats what I thought but wanted to be sure. I get nervous at this stage with all the hard work put in. I don't want to blow it now!!!