chesapeake 16lt & 17lt aft hatch radius

Building a 16lt & a 17lt from plans and am ready to cut the hatch stiffeners. The manual instructed me to use a 60" radius on the 16lt when planing the sheer clamps for the aft deck, and a 49" radius for the aft deck of the 17lt. The plans are showing a 24" radius for the aft hatch stiffener.  My inclination is to disregard the 24" instruction on the plans and cut the hatch stiffener to the same radius I used for planing the sheer clamps on each boat, is that correct?





   Correct in theory, but the deck will be much flatter than your template a little ways aft of the rear bulkhead. I made flush hatches, and to get the curvature to match as well as possible I cut stiffeners with a crown that matches the actual deck. The forward one is s tighter curve than the aft. Lots of ways to check: lay your template across the deck in front of and behind the opening, and note the different gaps; or scribe the two deck curves directly onto your stiffener stock, etc. 



   I'd suggest you match the actual deck radius on the front hatch. It is smaller but needs to be just as good a seal. 

   Thanks for the suggestion, I will be sure to scribe all hatch stiffeners at the appropriate sections of the deck.
