I'm planning on installing a stern mounted skeg that retracts but I don't want to have foot control.
Hi Bruce,
there are a number of options for a retractable skeg that does not steer. for the sheerwater sport you could consider the following:
if you search the forum with word skeg, you will see a lot of discussion on the topic....but the three highlighted above are commonly discussed in the building community and can all do the job.
fwiw, while these skegs are in the stern of the boat, they are all designed to be inside the hull and extend out when they are in use. for a boat like the shearwater sport this is the way i would go. i would not use the style of a skeg that hangs over the stern on the outside of the boat. i don' think that approach looks very nice and on a shearwater sport hull....and on that kind of boat, they can break off easily.
anyway...hope this is helpful.
I have used the Kajak Sport Skeg kit very successfully in a couple of builds. Excellent quality. Available from topkayaker.com for $100.00. It is a complete kit with cable and controls. I used the version without a flange.
Same (not sure why you needed me to look). But unless the boat you are building has a recess to accommodate a flange you don't want to buy the version with the flange. Installation w/o a flange involves simply cutting a slot in the hull from the outside the width and length of the skeg box. Install the skeg box slightly proud (about 1/16") of the hull at both its front and back ends. (Tape the box in place using masking tape before flipping the hull over). After finishing the installation from the inside using both fillets at the joints between the box and the hull and then fiberglass cloth for strength you can flip the hull over and sand the box flush. In my builds I actually add some structural cross pieces that hold the skeg box vertically while I am doing the actual installation.
'skeg on the stern with foot control'............Isn't that called a rudder?
Most skegs I'm familiar with mount foward about halfway from stern to cockpit. Most retract up and down. Only one pivots left to right and up and down. It's way more complicated than necessary.
All need to be up when you land. Unless you are a racing shell then you just have to be careful.