Spot gluing with CA instead of epoxy?

I'd like to know, are most people spot gluing with CA or epoxy?

i spot glue using both techniques.   

the easiest is probably the CA becuase it is fast and instant.   just remember for CA spot glueing you need the CA glue AND the accelerant spray which makes it harden this is not the typical hardware store superglue.

here is the link to the accelerant.

please note also that the accelerant must be matched with a particular flavor of CA buy both of them in a pair.  CLC offers great pricing.

if you try CA without its corresponding will not hold or provide any real value over epoxy and waiting.


   Thanks.  I did order some CÁ and accelerator from CLC. Looks a lot cleaner than the epoxy spot gluing.  

   I use CA glue from Woodcrafters. The accelerant is wicked. Wear your mask with the right filter.

Since building the S&G Petrel Play, I have been using CA a lot.  With both the Petrel and the Play, the instructions call for you to tack weld the entire boat with CA, then remove the stitches before doing fillets.  With the wires removed, it is easier to get very small/light fillets.  The use of CA also allows you to get very precise alignment of the seams by holding alignment with your fingers, adding a spot of glue then a spritz of accelerant.  The puzzle joints ate also held together with CA.  Picture is the deck of the PP with wres removed ready for fillets.