Starting the cockpit of the Night Heron

Hi all,

Hoping for some advice. I've been working on a strip build Night Heron and I'm getting close to where I need to stop creating full length strips and open up an area for the cockpit.

Right now, I don't know if I've added one too many strips the full length of the boat, whether I need to redo the last strip or two, or if it's not time to stop laying strips the full length of the boat. The main concern is that I have a gap around the 11th form between the form and the arc of the boat.

Here is a shot of the 10th, 11th, and 12th forms:

And here's a closeup of the gap that I've introduced around the 11th form:

Adding the 9th form for a little more perspective:

Thanks for any input!


When I worked on a Petrel, there was a plywood cockpit recess piece. I positioned it where It seemed it should go with respect to the forms and the deck strips.  Then cut strips to fit.  You definately do not want the strips  to ride high over the forms except of course in the cockpit area where there will be no strips.  


Look in shop tips, strip planking, video #23 and you might get some good tips. 

