SUP 14 - Bow Stitched, Looks OK?

Wired up the bow last night, Very tricky!  Wondering if the folks on the board can take a look at the photos here and let me know if I need to tweek. 

There is a gap for sure but it is very small.  Also wondering if the sections of the bow should 'shiplap' or just but up against each other best I can.

Gotta say, I have no idea how i'm going to get my fingers into the bow to wire up the 1st bulkhead, curious is that required?  aren't the wires there just to hold the pieces together before you epoxy everything?  Couldnt I 'tack weld' the 1st bulk head in place instead?






Oops, image issues, here goes again...Bow


Looks like mine did. You could unstitch it and plane taper on the inside edge but rewiring just the bow when the hull is stitched will most definitly test your garage word vocab. Note that most S&G instructions say wire the bow then the sides - there is a reason for that = ease of assembly.

That bit of gab can easily be filled and faired. Thats what I did.