Tack Weld on Kaholo?

I just finished stitching up my board yesterday, and I would like to get it level and tack weld tonight or tomorrow.  The manual is confusing me though. Do I run a bead of epoxy along the whole seam that is to be tack welded? Does the epoxy just go on the inside, or does it need to be applied to the outside as well?  Sorry if this seems a foolish question, but every step is new to me since I am building from plans with pretty much no woodworking/boatbuilding experience.


I'm about 1 month ahead of you on my K14.

i tacked all joints thoroughly and let the epoxy run through the joints as those will need to be filled anyway.   I tacked right over the wire.

Then to remove the wire you simply clip them from the outside then use a soldering iron to heat one side of the wire for 15 seconds.  The wire pulls out easy!

I'd also strongly suggest taping off each internal joint before fileting as suggested above.  It will make things so much neater.  Simply pull tape off after the epoxy firms up a bit.


I also saw on here that some, including the Kaholo's designer, feel the tack weld is unnecessary, has anyone built one without the tack weld in there?

Nick Schade has a video that I posted the link to below:


In it he shows how he tacks joints with Gel type CA glue (super glue) and CA accelerator which quickly hardens the glue. This allows the stitches to be removed before filleting. I am not as neat as Nick is when filleting, so I masked with blue tape about 3/8" on either side of the seams.

I am in the middle of my first build, a Chesapeake 17. I used Nick's method without the accelerator, which required a longer time for the glue to set up,( I waited until the next morning to remove stitching, just to be safe) but everything went very well. I spaced the dots of CA about 1.5 to 2 inches apart. When the stitches were removed everything held together. I am not as neat as Nick is when filleting, so I masked with blue tape about 3/8" on either side of the seams.

Although the video shows a Night Heron build, the techniques apply to most builds. The CA tacks are at the beginning and toward the end, but watch the whole thing. Worth the time. Also many more links to useful info, especially CLC and the Schade brothers.

Anyone from the Detroit metro area out there?



I'm finishing my kaholo now, and didn't tack the joints.  It saves a step, but the copper stitches remain in the holes, as a result.  I clipped them off flush on the outside and sanded them flush.  The designer feels that the copper sands easier than epoxy.  Leaving the wires in the seams makes the filleting not as smooth, but the hull is never seen once the deck is on.

I meant "inside" of the hull is never seen.  Sorry.

Bret,  I continuously filleted all the seams and the frame to hull seams, both sides.  If you tack weld you will put alot more faith in the fiberglass.  Since the glass supplied with the kit is relatively light weight, you may sand through it around the chine area.  Continuous bead would give you back up.  I cleaned up all the messy fillets with a multi-tool sander.

One other thing, make sure you are straight and true.  Put saw horses on a level surface, fasten the hull supports so they will stay level.  Saw horses let bend over the hull which is easier than reaching across.  Put a level across the hull in multiple places so no twists, etc.

You can tack and then go back and fill in continuous fillets.  I left the stitches in and they show but not from 10' away.



On a chesapeak light 17 (also stitch and glue). 1 st time in fillet the whole seam fairly thickly over the copper stitches.  Second boat tacked with epoxy /putty mix.  removed the wires the next day and ran a much smaller neat fillet (use tape as noted above) along the entire seam.  Definately want to fillet the whole seam.  Much lighter and neater the second way.  As far as looks no one has ever noticed the little copper dots except me. 
