Would anyone happend to know the sugested max. weight for the 14' kaholo. Also whats the volume of this board. Finally, theres nothing like riding and paddling a wooden SUP ! Thanks Mike
Funny you should ask ! Last year I spent a lot of time transporting rocks on my Kaholo 14, 3 miles down river for my wifes fish pond and rock garden. In all I packed more than 4,000 pounds of rocks. The maximum load rocks and me was 370 Lbs. At that weight her deck was awash and she was unstable ,I was in fear that I might get hit by a boat wake and dump all my rocks but I did it. I found that I could do 340 LBs with no problem including being hit by boat wakes. My normal paddling speed is about 4.5 mph. With 320 LBs my speed dropped to 3.7 mph . But 320 pounds was comfortable and stable and I could push the Kaholo up to 4.5 mph if I worked at it. This coming winter I will be bring down more rocks . More than 6,000 lbs this time for expanded rock garden and fish pond. Yes I did weigh the rocks when I got them home. When I loaded the rocks it was just guesswork . I was really surprised with the 370lb trip though !!! Also this comeing winter I will be towing down some saw logs from windfall trees too. I paddle 6 days a week so get a lot of water time every year. My kaholo was built with a windsurf mast track to use for ocean fishing (trolling) Shes a fine board !!
I am now duly impressed. With you and the SUP. did the weight mentioned include you?
Any pictures, with our without sail.
Thanks, ed
So Ed, Mike Here from Bridge street boats out of New Hartford Ct. Do you know the volume of the Kaholo14'? Also thank you for responding "Wood Ogre" what you are doing is truly fascinating!!! Im into rocks too and have built alot of dry stack walls but i got all my rocks to my property with a RAM 3500!!!