I just started building a wood duck 10. I put the two bottom panels together with the bow and stern unstitched.I then wired the bulkhead and temp. forms in place. I have a gap in the keel toward the stern and the bow that I can't seem to get to close. Anybody have any tips?
rob z
I had the same problem with my Wood Duck 10 kit. Apply large wood clamps to these areas and wrap with mover's stretch plastic wrap. That fixed most of my problem.
However, after all that the adjacent panels would still not meet properly on the starboard side near the stern. I tortured it into place the best I could and the filled the resulting low spot with thickened epoxy. The subsequent layer of glass was laid over this "bondo" job. I mixed wood dust with the bondo to make it less obvious, but I still ended up painting the hull to completely hide the bondo.
Good luck!
I'd ask the folks at CLC, but I can tell you how I finally figured out how to deal with this problem through a WD 12 and three Ducklings: Before you tighten up the copper wires attaching the panels to the forms, fasten those wires with some give in them first, then tighten up the wires attaching the bottom panels to each other. In other words, snug up the gap along the keel line first, then force the forms down against the panels as you snug up those wires. You may need to spray the panels (or even soak them) with water to get them to flex enough to fit. Also, don't shy away from drilling extra sets of holes for more wires in areas that seem to be subject to more stress. Don't try to close up the stern and bow until all the bottom and side panels are installed, and then you'll need to get creative to do that successfully. Check my earlier posts on how a threaded-rod clamp can turn this usually problematical process into a piece of cake.
Thank you Jim for the advice for putting together a wood duck. I have been at a stand still for a couple of days but I am ready to get back at it. I like the threaded rod tool and your other advice. Thanks again,
For the Wood Duckling, I cut 1/4" off the tip of the form where the two bottom panels meet; seemed to help : )
I too had the same problem with my WD10 and 12. Keep working it and it will come out. You may go through extra wire but it will come together. I started back at admidships (center) and worked my to the ends.
Check the shop tip about using CA glue (super glue) for tacking between the stiches on panel joints instead of extra stitches. Wish I had seen that before I built my WD12.