Wood Duck Gap in bottom panels at Hull Forms

Hello All,

I'm building my first CLC project, a Wood Duck 12 Hybrid and things are going great, but I'm finding a gap of about 1/4" on the two bottom panels that's not wanting to close at both the bow and stern hull forms.  I'm wondering if this is normal and will get filled with epoxy fillet or if I should work a little harder at pulling the two panels together.  I still haven't placed the side panels yet.  Thanks for your thoughts. 


Bow panel gap

Your picture won't display for me.  Generally speaking, small gaps will get filled when you do fillets but 1/4" is a bit on the big side.  I'd suggest loosening the wires holding the forms against the bottom, pulling the bottoms panels together then retightening the form wires.  I assume that this is your first S&G build?  If so, you will find that things seldom pull together in perfect alignment and repeated loosening and retightening sequences are normal.  In addition to adding additional sticth holes, I find that the green Frog Tape pulled tightly across a gap on the outside helps close gaps.  The tape also keeps the fillet mixture from dripping through if it is a little too runny.     

Thanks Mark, Great tips.  I'll try adding a couple extra stich holes and perhaps the painters tape.  I did try some of the loosening and retightening of stiches and the rest of the panels have come together quite nicely.  Yes - this is my first S&G build.