Trying to decide on a build for my wife. With a bad back my Shearwater is too tight for more than an hour or two. Who has built a duck 12? Do they track much better than a 12 foot plastic rental kayak? Comfortable and plenty of leg room? What is the best seat to install in it? Any other comments on handling, etc?
Here's everything you ever wanted to know about building a WD12 from a customer's point of view. They track well, but not too much so they're easy to maneuver. There's no comparison between the WD12 and those heavy clorox bottles. The WD12 beats them hands down.
There's enough room in the cockpit to stretch out and take a nap. I have a bad knee, but have spent 8 hours in mine. The cocpit room lets me switch between multiple seating positions, evne cross-legged, all with the sprayskirt on.
I've been able to get it up to 6.4 mph as measured by GPS, but usually paddle at 3.5, That's an easy all-day pace. My record is 22 miles in one day.
I use the Creature Comfort seat on mine, and as I've said, it's good for 8 hours a pop.

The boat is very stable. If you lean it over too far, you fall out befor it flips. That said, I've never fallen or flipped unless I did it deliberately and even then the re-entry was easy (even before I had deck rigging to hang onto.

In shallow water with the aid of my paddle, I've been able to stand up and look over a beaver dam. It also handles rough water well. I've had it in three foot waves with whitecaps where it would surf down one wave and plow into the next one up to the cockpit coaming, then pop up and do it again.
I love my WD12 and it's been my magic carpet to adventure, fun and relaxation. Here's a link to my launch day video, also available on the CLC WD12 page.
Go for it,
I enjoy the WD12, it is very stable and manuverable, but sometimes I wish it would track better, but it does well for a 12 ft boat and I am sure it works better than the plastic boats. Iit will turn into the wind (weather cock) some. If you or your wife are short it is a bit of a reach to paddle this wide of kayak. I use the Hot Seat Grande and like it, however, I do not stay in it as long or get out paddling as often as Laszlo. With the large cockpit it has the room to be able to move around some as well as carry lunch/water and some fishing gear.
Thanks Lazlo and Ralph. Yes the 30” beam is a concern for me. I am also considering the Mill Creek 13 @ 29” beam but concerned about tracking with the flat bottom. Have either of you paddled a Mill Creek 13 for comparison?
I paddled an MC13 at one Okoumefest and that was a deciding factor in going with the WD12.
I'm 5'8" and have no trouble with the beam interfering with paddling. Don't know how that compares with the rest of you, but it's a data point.
I enjoyed your launch day drag race, Laszlo. CLC should hire you to speed test all their kayaks.
I can paddle 6.4 mph in a kayak too -- but only with a brisk wind at my back!