wood glue and epoxy ...

I've lifted the cedar deck off the shearwater hull, and flipped it over to prep for glassing.  There are lots of wood glue drips, escarpements, and rugged ridegelines, with shear cliffs, and ridge/valley landscapes  (OK cool it with the geographicoimagination).

I've got my scraper warmed up so I can get to smoothing things out, prior to glassing.  I understand the goal is to get it smooth enough so that air bubbles under the glass won't be an issue.

My question is- in areas where there are sheet like deposit of wood glue (Titebond II), does the epoxy adhere adequately to the surface?

Thanks- Hickory


It'll adhere, Hickory, but it actually is not all that difficult to sand off the glue for the better part. Make sure it's all smooth. Cracks and gaps should be filled in so that you don't end up with hollow spaces and cavities.

I just did the third coat of epoxy on the glass. It's nice to see the eventual colors come out on the underside.


Thanks Chris.  I spent quite some time today doing just that- scraping the underside to remove irregularities, and identifying quite a few narrow canyons and shallow gullies to do some filling.

Not only do you do a beautiful job, but you are truckin along fast.

Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.



Okay here are two of the glassed underside front and back...

Wow, that really popped- strong work!  Keep us posted.

He are a few of my progress-

Happy Holidays all

Hickory, that is very beautiful!

I also like your workspace. So well organized!

So, what's hanging above?

Above is an Annapolis Wherry from last winter build.  I really like rowing it, but am building the kayak because-

1. easier to transport

2. able to handle rougher conditions

3. it is possible that there is a developing addiction problem  (my wife would put this one in bold)

My first build (two winters ago) was a Passagemaker Dinghy (blog). Since I have it on a trailer, the transporation part is no problem. It is a feisty little boat. I have sailed it in 20+ knots of wind and did not even reef the lug rig. When wind and/or water depth are lacking, it rows nicely and the lug rig can easily be dowsed and mast unstepped - even under way.

Let's replace the word "addiction" with "passion" and present that notion to your wife. That way you can argue that you are nurturing your passion rather than having to worry about squelching an addiction. :)

At the last OkoumeFest I did have a chance to row the Wherry. It seems ideal for flat water - very sleak.



Gorgeous P. Dinghy!  I'm going to have to pour over that blog.

Passion- I like it.  Thats my new story.


If she gets suspicious call it: "persistent passion"