I wonder if anyone has any thoughts regarding the compatibility of the CLC sail amas (http://www.clcboats.com/shop/boats/wooden-sailboat-kits/clc-sailrig-kayak-canoe-sailing-rig.html), designed for clc kayaks and canoes, for use with the recently released waterlust sailing canoe design
The waterlust canoe is a lovely little sailing canoe in it's own right; however with amas, I think that CLC would be close to approximating at hobie adventure island, which is a capable boat but ugly as sin...
Not sure if you are aware of this, but the intention is to offer small raised amas, as an option with the Waterlust sailing canoe in the future. I enquired with Dillon (the designer) about this and he said he is waiting for the return of the Waterlust boats, so he can think about the best mounting options. He will then design and offer the amas as an extra. The amas will be raised, so that they are not always in the water, but will offer extra flotation if the boat suddenly heels.
I think this is a great idea, as the amas won't create much drag when pedalling, but will offer extra security in stronger winds. It will still be possible to capsise the boat, but it will be possible to flip the boat back upright and I bet re-entry will be a lot easier.
I'm holding off on a kit purchase until these are available, as the areas I will be using the boat (SW Oz), are prone to stronger winds than the Intracostal waterway, where these boats were tested.
Any updates Dillon?
Yup, here is the response from Dillon:
"Yes, adding the CLC ama kit to the Waterlust canoe would work - however, I'm in the process of developing smaller amas that mount with a single crossbeam for ease of assembly. We're hoping to have the assembly ready for the Waterlust team to try for the Everglades Challenge, and if we're satisfied with the result we'll add the amas to the kit options!"
Excellent news and a worthy aim! I really hope the amas are a success and the boat fares ok in the Everglades Challenge.
Assuming all goes well (no stress Dillon.....), I'm keen to build one. It's great they are willing to "prove" the boat in such an environment, it can only make for a better and more refined design.
Great news. Will be terrific to follow the boats in the Everglades.
Hi There,
Just wondering if the amas got finished in time for the boat to be entered in the Everglades Challenge? Any updates?
Dillon told me the other day that the Waterlust team didn't make it to register in time for the Everglades Challenge. I just started building my Waterlust kit and I am tempted to try and participate at next years EC with it.
Dillon told me the other day that the Waterlust team didn't make it to register in time for the Everglades Challenge. I just started building my Waterlust kit and I am tempted to try and participate at next years EC with it.
Any update on amas for the waterlust Canoe?
Now that the Waterlust Canoe has been featured in WoodenBoat just as the R2AK has gotten underway, I suspect there will be renewed interest in the ama package. Would the existing kayak sailing package with larger amas and a single sail be better suited for potentially windier conditions?
Sail, amas, Mirage Drive watertight compartments,plus light weight seems like a very desireable package. I am patiently awaiting any updates.
I have just become the lucky owner of a beautifully built Waterlust sold to me by the builder who is a bit less flexible and active now.
I sail on a gusty bay on the west coast but mostly plan to use the boat on esteros in the calmer days of winter.
Is the Ama package now available?
Lucky you MarkCD!
I (think I may have) bought the first Waterlust kit the day it was announced back in late '16, just started assembly the beginning of last Nov.
I'm curious whose Waterlust you've acquired? Someone who's posted here anything about their experience?
I'm unaware as yet of an AMA kit that's been adapted.., but I'm interested!
I bought the boat built by Keith Goebel of Benicia CA. He did a lovely job and rigged it really well for sailing as he was a multihull sailor for many years. However due to reduced mobility and fitness he decided it was not the boat for him, and passed it on to me after using it only twice as a canoe, and never sailed. He clearly got great pleasure from the building of it, and is delighted it will be exploring the California esteros, and possibly further afield.
The boat has tan sails which I would prefer to swap for white or cream. Know of anyone who would like a brand new set of tan sails?
Yes, I think the amas would make the boat more versatile in gustier conditions such as we have here in Northern CA in the summer afternoons. I am waiting to hear if that design project came to completion. Maybe if a few of us express our interest to CLC they will move it forward.
Fair winds,
Going on three years now since mention was first made of a smaller, raised ama project by Dillon I'd be thinking he'd be the best source for where word of any progress might be had.
Despite his obligations with other, newer CLC ventures he's been a great help to me with prompt answers to my questions over details lacking in the Waterlust assembly manual since I began assembling my kit.
Approaching three months along on that build I'll be posting an update to my thread in a few days.
As for your sail question: your tanbark set have the double reef option perhaps?
Yes, I have the double reef option in the tanbark sails.
What's the best way to reach Dillon?
dillon@clcboats.com or call him at (410) 267-0137 come Monday after about 11 AM PST. I know he prefers phone calls around mid-afternoon his time (EST) rather than earlier.
He relate anything to you worth sharing, consider posting a summary here please!
MarkCD you have any success getting in touch with Dillon?
Still looking for a sail swap?
(I've just joined that "Boat for Sale" conversation over on the Boat Bazaar....)