End pour question

I completed the end pours on my Ches 17LT kit, and after reviewing the illustration in the manual & CLC video, it occurs to me that I should have placed my dam deeper into the hull.   Should I have included the tips of the shear clamps for my pour, and if yes, is it possible to simply add epoxy to the existing cured-epoxy?



thanks for the pictures.  

the most important positioning consideration for the end pours is that when you drill holes in the hull for the rope for your bow and stern toggles, that the hole is inside the end pour (or else the hole will allow water into the hull).

once you have that....any additional end pour is just adding weight.

that said, my personal preference is to have the endpour capture a bit of the sheer clamps.  if you want to do that, just put a dam a little farther back and add some additional thickened epoxy.  it will be just fine and will adhere well enough to the existing material.

i am also an advocate of drilling my holes for the toggle ropes prior to putting the deck on.  its easier to ensure that the drill bit stayed inside the end-pour.

looks great.



   That's helpful, thanks.
