Night Heron cockpit size

There is a discrepency in the cockpit length given for the Night Heron. The web site says 31", but the catalog says 29". Anybody know for sure? I have had knee replacements and now have very limited flexibility. I like the design of the Night Heron, but if the cockpit is shorter than my Ches 17 by 2", I might get stuck half way in. 


The Night Heron Hybrid shows 31" for the standard and 29" for the High Deck. The Night Heron (stripper version) should be 31" for both versions, there is also a greenland style version which is 20x16.


However, since the decks of all these boats are in strips, you can really make the cockpit any size you want. I built a Night Heron stripper - standard with a custom sized cockpit, since I'm a bigger guy and have some knee problems, I wanted to make entry/exit a little easier, just make sure whatever size you make it, that your spray skirt will still fit snugly. 

 If you are unsure, I recommend taking a trip to a local outfitter, REI or somewhere, put yourself in a couple boats and measure the size of the cockpit which fits you best. 


Hope this helps.


Not to hijack your thread... ok, I'm hijacking! 

I'm building the C17LT and making my coaming out of formed fiberglass (molded over 5/8" foam tubing/insulation as a form).  I was considering cutting the  key-hole wings out and going with a more egg-shaped opening.  Does anyone know the pro's / con's of doing this?  I understand the "wings" provide knee pressure points for "grabbing" the boat; will I miss these if i open everything up?

It'll be easier to form and attach the fiber coaming without the wings, but I don't want to screw myself in the end (so to speak).  :-O



If you are taller than average, you don’t need them, as your knees will fit under the deck and they will impede your entry and exit. You can always add them later if you need them.