Peeler skiff flotation question

Hello. I have a question about the peeler skiff's flotation.  I am ready to order the peeler kit but am concerned with the lack of storage areas.  Can some of the flotation cavities be cut open to create storage areas?  Maybe even section off some of them and fill with foam and use the othe section for storage?  Just trying to think ahead.  With life jackets, cooler, rods, wife, kid, etc.....just trying to decide what to do.  Thanks all!


I put three hatches in.  In both aft flotation tanks.  As far forward as possible where I can store 8"x 10" tackle boxes.  I also put a hatch in the bow bulkhead for storage and inspection.  I reinforced the bulkhead and also added another half bulkhead for strength farther forward and added sealed tubes for rod storage.  I have foam on the floor and up under the seat in the bow "locker".  The design calls for full flotation in all areas though.  If my boat breaks open it will still have plenty of flotation from the life jackets in stowage, a cooler, seat cushions, fenders, etc.  Not worried at all.  I guess the worst case scenario would be flooding the motor.  Where are you building your Peeler?


I know of at least 3 Peelers already built or in the process that utilize some of the flotation areas for storage. I've just started a Peeler and plan to have a small storage area under the front seat as well as port and starboard cut out of the side tanks. The hatches must be waterproof so the boat flotation is retained. The hatch openings are also beneficial to airing out the flotation areas when not using the boat. Whatever foam you don't use deducts from the total positive flotation the boat has. I'm not going real big with mine, maybe  12" x 12" cubes.

I think I will use some of the space under the thwart for larger storage, maybe box it in.  Good luck! Ken.


I left a small area at the front of the side seats open behind a waterproof hatch to store small items in. If you totally fill areas with foam I would still install a round inspection plate to allow airing out if water gets in.

I will temporarily fill my storage compartments with foam pieces for the Marine Police inspection to get my title and numbers.  LOL! 

I'm  in Wisconsin and I just called the DNR who does the registration. They don't need to see the boat and only need description details. My Peeler kit came with a sticker for the transom which will help too. If the boat in Wisconsin is under 16ft, there is no title just a number. So it looks pretty easy in this state.

Thats NJ for ya!  Everybody wants more money and have a say in everything!  We need a safe boating licence too.  It costs like $100 for the course.  I'm thinking it will be the highlight of the Marine Police's day when they see and inspect the Peeler! 


I think all of the Coast Guard testing CLC had done will pay off. It still blows my mind (5000 lbs in the Peeler and still floating).

Hey everyone.  Thanks for the replies.  I am in Florida.  Anyone close by that has a peeler?  Haven't bought the kit yet, but will do so hopefully soon.  Would like to take a peek at one if possible.

thanks again,


Where in Florida are you?

I live in palm Pete area.