Hope I haven't missed this in previous posts. . . . I am presently sealing the tanks and are about to place the foam in my peeler skiff, I would assume that most builders use urethane sheets/blocks. I went to Lowe's and they had no idea what I was talking about. Does anyone know of a good source in the mid-Atlantic region? Thank you.
I think most people are using sheets of the pink closed cell insulation sheeting like this stuff
There are various brands and thicknesses out there.
The pink stuff in the North East is now purple. I got mine at a local building supply for about $22 US for a four foot by eight foot by 2in. sheet. It took a little more than four such sheets to fill the three tanks. Lowes/Home depot charges the same $ for a two inch by 16 inch by eight foot sheet.
Thank you both. Got the pink stuff and it's now sealed in the prescribed spaces. Having a great time with the build!