Signs of Glue after scraping and sanding...

Moring to all,

I have used a long handle scraper, a cabinet scraper, and a ROB sander to fair the deck of my Night Heron, but some small patches of glue seem to remain in what seem to be low spots. The amount of glue is small, but I can see it shine, so I know it's there.

What can I do to get rid of these small patches of glue, because I either want to remove them now before applying epoxy or before my fingers fall off from all the scraping!

I know someone that has been through this will have a great sollution to my problem.


Chris F

Ok, I've scraped, sanded, scraped, and sanded...until my strip built Night Heron deck is extremely slick or smooth.

My question for those who know (I surely don't...that's why I post) is what will happen with very small amounts of glue under expoy?

I don't want to over sand or scrape the deck or hull to the point of no return.

Thanks again,

Chris F

  Hi Chris, I'll try to post a pic of one of our WD's if you zoom in you can see the glue at the joints. This is with a 50/50 epoxy (Clarkcraft) and the results may be different with another brand. BTW we used Titebond glue. Can you duplicate the problem and put some epoxy on it for a test? I do know different brands of epoxy result in different degrees of shading and color. Perhaps if the experiment doesn't look pleasing to you then maybe a different brand/ratio?

   Let me point out one more thing, if you zoom back out you can see how much this flaw is tormenting the owner!


  Just want to add another picture of my WD next to Robin's (hers it the 10' in previous pic.) You can see the difference in color and tone. Hers is the 50/50 Clarkcraft brand and mine is the West system.

  Sorry but there was no exposed glue on the second boat to compare the effects of epoxy. Hope that helps.

   Oh yeah, mine still isn't finished, this was just a field trip.


check out Nick's Blog page

he uses a hot iron


I have seen Nick's video a dozen times, but I don't think we are talking about the same glue problem. If I heat up the small patches of glue that are already clear, can I get them off the surface of the wood some how? If you know what to do let me know....ok?


Chris F


I think Robin needs some extensive therapy for her distress about all the glue lines on her kayak, she looks to be in bad shape....just kidding!

Maybe I should bite the bullet once again, and go ahead and stop sanding a scraping, and then get on with building my boat...worrying seems to be a passion of mine considering this is my first boat building project!


Chris F

  Not a bullet to bite Chris, more like a dose of reality. We're our worst critics and no matter what the vision was the fact is the first build will be a learning experience. Accept that, get out and do what few others on the water are able to do - enjoy the ride in a boat you built. There will be lots of compliments and that zen moment when you realize you're floating in a daydream you made real.

  We have what we wanted, we're on the water in wood yaks. Robin is in the water by the time I get back from parking the truck and when I see her out there nothing is farther from my mind than a few glue lines.