I am getting ready to start a Skerry in Port Orchard, WA. Although CINCHOUSE is not thrilled with the idea she eventually agreed to let me do it. I do have a few questions to help me (and her) while I work on this project.
1) Although I can build in my garage, I am concerned with the amount of dust I will create. I noticed that CLC holds classes in Port Townsend, and I was wondering if anyone had space available to rent in the area to do the sanding.
2) Is there any advantage to applying epoxy to the No. 3 panels before I put the boat together (while they are flat) or is this a bad idea?
3) I noticed some people had problems with the rudder gudgeons pulling out. Has anyone tried to through bolt them to the float tank and then sealing them to prevent leakage? I am installing a 6" hand hole in each float tank, so I should be able to reach the bolts if I fit the gudgeons before I finish the boat, then re-install them after I finish the hull.
Thanks for the help,
Dust...........not sure what the problem is there. My 5" orbital sander and other sanders have dust collection bags. If you keep them cleaned out they work well. If you open the garage door and set a fan blowing out....the dust clears. In colder climates, I'm in Florida, I've used sanders hooked up to a shop vaccum. Another trick is get a box fan. Wire, tape, clamp, etc a air handler filter to the suction side of the box fan. It becomes a dust collection system. Change filter as required (read often).
Things not in the build can be spared dusting my draping plastic sheeting.
pS.........unfamiliar with a #3 panel, but panels that should bend tend not to bend after being epoxied.
One of the best investments I made when building my boat was a Festool orbital sander and their HEPA dust collection system. The workshop remained dust free throughout the project. It's a lot cheaper than renting space and saved considerable labor.
I built a Y-Flyer, 18 ft sailboat, in my father-in-law's barn once. It was 15 miles out. Big pain driving out and back for an hour of work. Some operations are just a little time spent each day then wait till epoxy sets up. I cannot imagine doing a build miles away again.
I like the idea of hooking an A/C filter to a box fan. That sounds like it would help out. I use an orbital sander hooked on a big hose (pool filter variety from Home Depot) to my vacuum cleaner with duct tape, cardboard and a bit of ingenuity. It works quite well. But I also also wear a high-quality HEPA respirator. You want to protect your lungs!
On dust collection, I went to Lowes and got a 5 gallon Shop-Vac and the accessory Gore-Tex HEPA cartridge filter. Cost about $45 but it's reusable and cleans easily since it's non-stick. All my power sanding is done w/ the vacuum hose collecting dust and it really minimizes the mess. Also, I use a plane rather than sander when possible, since shavings are easy to pick up compared to dust. Also, I like my Dremel with a steel burr to clean up epoxy beads and drips.

On slow speed, it cuts the epoxy and wood into little shavings, not dust. A quick hit w/ the shop-vac and shavings are gone. This is all in a very snug 1 car garage, so I really have to clean as I go.
First off, I agree with others and recommend a good Sander with Dust extraction. Also, I used a metal scrapper throughout the whole project; there are lots of videos how to Sharpen them, but a few stokes of a file and you are good to go. I tend to use single sided razor blades a lot and this project was no different, they worked real nice on epoxy drips when used like a scraper and dragged across the drip.
If you have the space at home I'd say build it there. Often I would take the trash out to the garage, stop to look at the Kayak and run my hand down it and notice something.... 2 hours later you are still working on something. Also there are times that you need to cut away cloth before the epoxy fully sets up; it's nice to be able to set the alarm and run out at midnight and do it. Or, pull tape off first thing in the morning.
Or, you work on fabricating hooks to attach to the bottom of a hatch and you glue them on and really feel that sense of accomplishment. You go inside a sip an adult beverage (your done with power tools for the night).... as you relax you read Lazlo's blog and....... spit your drink all over the iPad as you realized you stuck the hooks on backwards !!! It's only been 2 hours so you run out to the garage and peel them off.
I'm currently building a Skerry in our (heated) sunroom.
There is no trace of dust on the floor or furniture because I use an orbital sander connected to a shop-vac with an extra-long hose, which is stationed just outside.
I agree with the others: it is very convenient to have your workshop at home, instead of somewhere else.
Thanks for all the advice. I will be looking for a good sander and shop vac when I get to WA. Also like the idea of using a box fan and filter.